Spring Quarter Sociology Mixtapes Volume 01: Uriel Serrano and Andrea del Carmen Vázquez
We hosted Volume 01 on Thursday, April 22, 2021 featuring:
- Uriel Serrano is a PhD candidate in Sociology and Critical Race and Ethnic Studies. More on Uriel’s work can be found at: https://urielserrano.com
- Andrea del Carmen Vázquez is a doctoral student in Education and Critical Race and Ethnic Studies. More on Andrea’s work can be found at: https://www.lavazquez.com
Check out the Volume 01 playlist:
During our discussion, Uriel and Andrea discussed the importance of examining the politics of carceral apparatuses in local schools and community settings.
Andrea: Pajaro Valley School Board Trustee, Oscar Soto. A US Army Veteran, Soto is pictured here at a [counter]rally where Pajaro Valley community members who advocated for the removal of a George Washington clashed with retired police cops and army veterans. During a local Park and Recreation Commission Meeting, where the removal of the George Washington bust was going to be discussed, youth circulated this image on social media. Soto had to answer to community members during the school board meeting the following day.
Uriel: Meme created by Students Deserve youth organizers to call out and reject a Los Angeles Unified School District proposal to hire police as “School Climate Advocates.”
Forthcoming: Serrano, Uriel and Andrea Del Carmen Vazquez.* (Conditionally accepted). “The Perpetuity of AntiBlackness: Politics of Protection, Safety and the Universal Carceral Apparatus.” Educational Researcher.